miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

Los españoles Rainover de gira por UK presentando su “Transcending the blue and drifting into rebirth”

Os dejamos la nota de prensa: 

Spanish gothic metal/rock combo Rainover (www.facebook.com/rainoverband, www.twitter.com/rainoverspain ) has announced a set of UK dates in support of their latest album, “Transcending the blue and drifting into rebirth”, released last year by Wormholedeath to critical and public acclaim.
Highlights of the tour include a co-headlining position at the Quinphonic Festival (Birmingham) and a participation in The Dames of Darkness Festival (Bilston), which is, after four very successful editions, the biggest festival of the genre in the UK, counting with bands like Sirenia or Leaves’ Eyes, with whom Rainover shall be sharing stage.
To celebrate their first landing in UK shores, the band has released a special edition of t-shirts, a collectors item that has been printed to a very limited amount and that you can still find at the band’s online store: http://rainoverwebshop.bigcartel.com/product/special-uk-tour-t-shirt
Rainover have also released a special video presentation of the shows that you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8bUcNt2AKI

Below there’s a list of the shows, including information and ticket links.

April 4th- Quinphonic Festival Prelude Party @ Barge & Barrel, Tipton (Free entry event).
Official event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1585777788306020/

April 5th- Quinphonic Festival @ The Roadhouse, Birmingham
Tickets: http://www.theroadhousebirmingham.com/?q=node%2F959
Official event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1530665023815948/
Official fb page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Quinphonic-Festival/731122426923747

May 9th- The Dames of Darkness Festival @ The Robin 2, Bilston
Weekend tickets: http://www.therobin.co.uk/whats_on/giginfo.asp?gigid=4013
Official event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1548563758714705/
Official fb page: https://www.facebook.com/TheDamesofDarknessFestival

Vía | WormHoleDeath Press

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